Cllr Christine Catterall, Cllr Steven Hall & Cllr Caroline Newton with Louie French MP
Achievements for East Wickham
- Secured new energy efficient street lights across the ward and campaigned on residents’ concerns during part night lighting trials
- Worked with L&Q to ensure sensitive regeneration of disused land.
- Supported residents with on-going planning problems, anti-social behaviour and unsightly gardens and houses.
- Helped fund the Christmas tree in Welling.
- Secured funding for extra street trees across the ward. The number planted is set to double in 2018.
- Worked with residents to prevent fly tipping, dog mess and litter problems across the ward.
- Worked with the Police on safety issues and volunteered at community events
- Helped to bring a much needed Banking Hub to the local area alongside MP Louie French.