About Ward Committees
Old Bexley & Sidcup has 7 Electoral Wards, and each Ward has a number of elected Councillors.
Each Ward has a Ward Committee which meet regularly to discuss Ward activity and targets with their Ward Councillors.
Prior to each local election the Ward Committee will appraise the current Councillors in order to reselect or deselect them. If vacancies in a Ward occur the Ward Committee will interview and select candidates from a list of prospective Councillors held by OBSCA.
Some Ward Committee members take part in weekly borough-wide canvassing sessions and some Ward Committees also choose to raise monies for the OBSCA Campaign fund, through various enjoyable social events.
Each Ward Committee has a Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Campaign Manager. These meetings normally do not clash with Council meetings which mean that the Ward Councillors will be in attendance.
The Ward pages allow Ward Councillors and Action Teams to provide periodic updates on local news and developments.
To join OBSCA, a Ward Committee, or to register your interest in becoming a Councillor candidate click here.